Latte vs Coffee vs Cappuccino: The Difference

Latte vs Coffee vs Cappuccino from Dash of Vigor

Did you know that Latte vs Coffee vs Cappuccino deffer with the amount of steamed milk and foam used in them?

It’s easy to become lost in the infinite sea of coffee beverages, I know. There are a lot of drinks with similar names or even various coffee drinks with the same components.

Cappuccino and latte are two excellent coffee beverages that are almost similar. So, how can you tell the difference between a cup of coffee, a latte, and a cappuccino?

But, to give you a clearer picture of the differences between coffee, cappuccinos, and lattes, I’ll analyze how each is made.

After all, they’re all espresso-based beverages, so they can’t possibly be that dissimilar.

Let’s get started!


  1. What is coffee?
  2. How to Brew Coffee?
  3. What is a Latte?
  4. How to prepare a Latte?
  5. Difference between Latte vs Coffee
  6. What is a Cappuccino?
  7. How to prepare a Cappuccino?
  8. Difference between latte and cappuccino

What Is Coffee?

Aside from tea, coffee is the most popular hot beverage globally, and it’s a fantastic way to start your day. 

So, what is Coffee?

Hot water is filtered through fresh coffee grounds to extract their taste and caffeine content. The end product is a dark brown, almost black beverage that is hot and ready to drink.

Coffee is usually served black or with milk, creamer, and/or sugar to make it smoother and sweeter. Coffee may be sweetened with a few pumps of your favorite flavored syrup or flavored creamer, just like lattes. 

Iced coffee is another popular drink variation produced by making coffee and then letting it cool before pouring it over ice. Iced coffee is a popular summertime alternative to coffee. People are less inclined to drink hot beverages because it is already hot outside.

Also, you can try eating coffee beans. It has many positive effects on our bodies. So, you should definitely try!

How To Brew Coffee?

Coffee isn’t produced in the same manner everywhere. The extraction process for making coffee is generally identical throughout the numerous brewing techniques available. But there are variances between each method that might alter the end product’s output. Here are the most common coffee brewing techniques, along with a brief description of each, so you can decide which way is best for your needs. 

Drip Coffee Makers

Drip coffee makers are a straightforward way to prepare coffee without becoming too engaged in the process. This is probably the most common coffee brewing technique.

Simply drop coffee grinds in a paper filter in your electric drip machine, fill the reservoir with new water, and push the button.

Your coffee should be ready in minutes.

Pour Over Coffee

Since its inception, the pour-over coffee movement has slowly but steadily grown in popularity. Pour over-extraction is a more sophisticated procedure. The user has complete control over every variable, including the coffee-to-water ratio, water temperature, and extraction time. 

The pour-over device is a cone-shaped device that sits on top of a carafe. Water is poured over the grounds in slow, concentric circles through that section, equipped with a filter and loaded with coffee grounds. The better the extraction, the slower the pour. Though brewing with the pour-over technique is a more time-consuming operation, the result is well worth it. 

Those who use the pour-over method swear by it and refuse to use any other way to prepare coffee.

Moka Pot

The Moka pot brewing technique is a stovetop-based coffee brewing method that uses a stand-alone appliance. Cold water is poured into a chamber at the bottom of the apparatus. Finely ground coffee is poured into the filter above it. The Moka pot is placed on the cooktop and heated with the lid open after everything is in place. 

The end product is a very concentrated brew that tastes like espresso and is rather powerful. 

French Press 

Brewing coffee in a French press is a simple technique to get a smooth, robust cup of coffee. The coffee grinds are placed into the bottom of the french press once the water has been heated. The hot water is poured over the top and contacted the coffee grounds below for roughly five minutes. The device’s filtering press is then squeezed downwards, trapping the grounds at the device’s bottom and letting consumers pour out the coffee.

 The result is a rich, well-balanced brew that retains many oils and chemicals lost when coffee is brewed with paper filters.

What Is A Latte?

The latte comes in several forms, sizes, and flavors, drastically altering the drink’s flavor. A regular latte consists just of a shot of espresso and heated milk.

To create a basic latte, just pour a double shot of espresso into a large coffee cup and fill it with freshly steamed milk. The milk and coffee combination is then prepared to perfection with a milk frother, making a lovely frothy coating of foam on top. Lattes are usually served in an eight-ounce cup and can be made with one or two shots of espresso. Skilled baristas frequently add latte art to their lattes, such as a heart, a flower, or another simple pattern in the steamed milk on top of the latte.

The mocha is a close relative of the latte, and it’s essentially a chocolate latte created by putting chocolate syrup into the cup before extracting the espresso and topping it with milk. Apart from adding chocolate syrup, preparing a mocha is nearly identical to making a standard latte. In some mocha recipes, a whipped cream topping may be used instead of a layer of frothy steamed milk. Still, apart from that, the mocha is pretty similar to a basic latte.

A pump or two of flavored syrup to the cup before heating the milk creates flavored lattes. Caramel, hazelnut, white chocolate, peppermint, lavender, cinnamon, raspberry, French vanilla, Irish creme, toffee, spiced pumpkin, almond, butter rum, and orange are all popular latte flavors.

Iced lattes are a popular variation on the original latte. Ice is added to the cup, and cold milk, rather than steamed milk, is poured on top and swirled to combine the drink’s ingredients. Add a few pumps of your preferred syrup to your iced lattes to make them more flavorful.

How To Prepare A Latte?

All you need to create a latte at home is espresso and frothed milk.

Because a latte only has a thin foam layer, pour the steamed milk over the espresso. Add the milk foam after everything is ready (around 1 cm).

Try producing latte art like a genuine barista as you gain expertise.

Difference Between Latte Vs Coffee

The fundamental difference between a latte vs coffee is the ingredients used in their preparation. Lattes are made using espresso rather than coffee. Espresso is a significantly more robust version of standard drip coffee. It is made using finely ground coffee beans and pressured hot water pushed through the settings. That leads to producing a compelling but minimal amount of liquid known as espresso.

Coffee isn’t as robust as espresso, but it comes in a giant cup. Another distinction between a latte and a coffee is the addition of steamed milk to the espresso shot while making a latte. Although milk is a typical addition to coffee, it is not a needed beverage component. A latte without steamed milk is nothing more than a shot of espresso, but coffee without milk is still coffee.

What Is A Cappuccino?

Equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam make up a cappuccino. It is served in a smaller coffee cup than a latte, generally between 150 and 180 ml. To acquire the perfect flavor balance between your espresso and the right amount of milk, the size of your cup is crucial.

Cappuccino foam can be either dry or silky. The bubbles in velvety foam (or microfoam) are scarcely visible. Still, the bubbles in the dry foam are giant, airy, and have a lot of volumes.

How To Prepare A Cappuccino?

Are you ready to brew a stunning cappuccino like your favorite barista at home? Everything you need to know is right here!

Cappuccino Ingredients

  • Dark roast coffee beans or whole espresso beans: To create a cappuccino, you’ll need roughly two teaspoons of finely ground coffee. 
  • Filtered Water: For the most incredible flavor and to extend the life of your equipment, always use filtered water.
  • Always use full-fat dairy milk for the most satisfactory outcomes and most natural flavor. You can prepare a cappuccino using low-fat milk or non-dairy milk alternatives. Still, you’ll lose a lot of the frothy smoothness that makes it so distinctive. Furthermore, the foam will melt and vanish rapidly, which may be quite upsetting.

Step-By-Step Preparation

To begin, grind your coffee beans. Using a burr grinder in the fine to medium-fine setting is recommended.

The milk should then be steamed. Fill your frothing pitcher 1/3 full with cold milk if you’re using an espresso machine. Then, for two seconds after releasing steam from the frothing wand, put the steaming rod into the milk and froth until the milk has doubled in volume and reached 65 degrees. To compress the foam, forcefully tap the pitcher on the counter.

Pull a double shot of espresso into a warmed cappuccino cup at this point. If you’re going to add sugar to your cappuccino, put it in the bottom of the cup before brewing the espresso. Before adding your frothed milk, give it a nice swirl to dissolve the sweetness once you’ve added your espresso.

Finally, slather your frothed milk over the espresso. Begin in the middle and work your way outward in circles to the cup’s rim.

Difference Between Latte And Cappuccino

Based on the descriptions above, it’s reasonable to assume that the most noticeable difference between a cappuccino and a latte is the texture of the milk. It is thinner in the latte and thicker in the cappuccino. Because cappuccino milk fluffs up so much owing to the aeration, it requires less milk than lattes. The drink is supposed to be served in a smaller amount.


Are lattes bad for you?

It depends on the milk used for the Latte. Studies show that it is safe to drink 400mg of caffeine per day. One espresso shot is around 75mg. But the milk increases the calories in the drink. And if you put syrup or sugar, this will increase it even more. 

So to be a healthy everyday drink, you can change the milk to no-fat or some alternative to it.

Is a latte stronger than coffee?

In 1 Ounce Espresso has around 63mg of caffeine while the regular Coffee has 12 to 16 mg of caffeine. A latte has two shots of Espresso and around 120mg of caffeine. So Latte is stronger than Coffee.

Which is healthier latte or coffee?

Coffee is a much healthier drink than a Latte. Latte has calories and fat because of the milk used. Coffee is clean and has only caffeine.

How Much Caffeine in a Latte

Latte is prepared with two shots of Espresso. This is around 120mg of caffeine.

Wrapping Up

If you’re not sure what the difference between coffee, latte, and cappuccino is, I recommend giving all of them a try and deciding which you prefer. Each drink has its own benefits, and many people like both in various situations. Whether purchased from a local coffee shop or made at home, coffee, lattes, and cappuccinos are all excellent ways to start the day.

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